
The Battle for Tablet Supremacy

Amazon’s coming out with a tablet, called
the Kindle Fire. This new tablet is a little
smaller than the iPad and a lot cheaper.
Will Fire kill the iPad? No. 

Here’s some Pros and Cons:
Pros for the Kindle Fire:
• Price of $199 is $300 less than the
cheapest iPad 2.

Pros for the iPad:
• Kindle Fire has no 3G cellular connection, its only Wi-Fi. So you need to be around an internet service.
• Fire has no camera or microphone.
• The Fire has only 8GB of memory. The
iPad 2 comes with your choice of 16GB, 32GB ($599) or 64GB ($699). And the Winner is…both.

Amazon’s not trying to make money on the Fire (yet) and might lose $50 to $100 on each device but will get more sales because the Fire comes with pre-packed aps that let you easily order stuff from Amazon.com. Apple will keep core customers who use Apple everything. In the end, the
Fire knocks out the other competition. 

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